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We Support Local

We love our community and want to see it thrive while providing our customers with the freshest products possible. By buying locally when possible and supporting local vendors, we try to offer the highest quality food. Local always tastes better!

We are thankful for the relationships we have created with local purveyors and the ability to partner with them in providing our community with locally sourced, quality food. Our partnership with Battles Farm in Bradford, NH is perhaps one of the first opportunities we had to offer high quality, local meats. Their featured beefalo burger on our menu has been a staple item ever since! (Yes, beefalo is a real animal!)

Once we realized the importance and obvious quality, we found ways to incorporate these items into our menu more and more. Miles Smith Farm in Loudon, NH became our biggest partner helping us offer grass fed beef for ALL of our burgers. 

After we sourced all of our burgers locally (and were voted Best Regional Burger in NH Magazine’s annual poll) we realized the opportunities were endless! Robie Farm of Piermont, NH gave us our wildly popular Crankin’ Country Meatloaf and is able to provide us with the pork for our house smoked BBQ pulled pork.

For years we have purchased locally with Musterfield Farm and Spring Ledge Farm, and more recently partnered with Sweet Beet Market and McDonald Farm of VT, to provide fresh produce during in season months. Each season brings something exciting – whether it be the quick Spring appearance of fiddleheads, Summer corn on the cob, or hearty greens heading into the Fall, we always try to feature fresh seasonal produce as much as possible.

We have even started focusing on sourcing locally in the brewery when we can. A seasonal brew made with a local sugarhouse’s sap has become something our customers look forward to every year!

More information about some of our Partners:
